Thursday, September 30, 2010

Theology 2

My last post made me want to write up a sort of tree of sources. I'll write it up in list form, though.

The first item in the list is the most basic, the primary source, the most basic aspect of reality from which everything else flows. Each item then flows from the last.

1. God exists.
2. God is a person (in three distinct parts, each of which is also a person. Strange.).
3. God relates.
4. God creates things.
5. These things include the universe, the earth, angels, and humans.
6. Some angels rebel against God, and so do all humans.
7. Apparently, the rebellious angels can't or won't repent of their rebellion.
8. Humans can, and maybe will.
9. God sees the rift between himself and humans (and, apparently, also all of creation) the rebellion creates as being a fixable problem.
10. God sets upon a course of action to solve the problem.
11. This course of action goes through a few phases culminating in God's only son dying as an intermediary sacrifice between humans and God.
12. The sacrifice is accepted and a means by which the rift between humans and God can be closed is established.
13. The means of restitution between God and humans must be chosen by each individual, it is not globally applied.
14. At a time of God's choosing, the realities set in progress by the creation of the universe are
15. Judgement of each human's relationship with God is enacted.
16. Those who have followed the means of restitution enjoy continued eternal relationship with God, those who have not followed the means of restitution suffer eternal banishment from relationship with God.

I think it needs some further work, but even if incomplete I think that's the general gist.

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